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Background Checks

Your church has requested a background check. What does this mean?

You’ve applied for a position or volunteered to help at your church, and someone has requested permission to perform a background check. What does this mean?

Most churches conduct background checks to meet their responsibility for keeping your church family safe and as required by their insurance provider. Usually, staff will screen all potential new hires and volunteers. If you’ve received a request for a background check, it’s likely just a normal part of the process.

Realm is a product developed by ACS Technologies. We've partnered with Verified First to ensure all personal information provided for every background check is kept confidential and secure. The only people who can view this information are church administrators or users who have special permission to work with background checks.

Staff may need you to provide some information for the screening process. In this case, you’ll receive an email from Verified First with a link to a secure form where you can enter the information needed to complete the background check.

For more information about security, please see Verified First’s privacy policy and ACS Technology's privacy policy.