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Register for a Paid Event as a Guest

Guests without a Realm login can register for a paid event.

A guest who does not have a Realm login can register for a paid event using an online registration form.
  • An administrator can also use the online form to register someone who does not have a Realm login.
  • All public events have a public online registration form. An administrator or user with the proper permissions can get and share the link to the online registration form.
If partial payments are enabled for guests, you can pay for the event over time. You must pay the minimum deposit at the time of registration.
  1. Enter an email address in the text box and click Begin Registration.
  2. Enter the names of all individuals attending the event and click Next.
  3. If you entered more than one guest, enter the contact information for the additional guests.
  4. Select a registration type from the Registration drop down list.
  5. If this event has items in the Additional Items section, select the items you want for each registrant.
  6. If this event has questions in the Additional Information section, respond to them for each guest.
  7. Click Next: Review.
  8. Click Edit Details if you need to make changes to your registration.
  9. If this event allows you to use a code for a discount, enter it in the Enter discount code text box, then click Apply.
  10. You may have the option to Pay Now or Pay Later. You must pay the minimum deposit amount.
  11. Click Register & Pay.
  12. Enter your payment information.
  13. Click Register & Pay. If you still have a remaining balance, you will receive an email with information about your payment and a link to where you can make additional payments.