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System Groups

System groups are automatically created in Realm.

Have you ever needed a way to email the entire church? Or send a notice to all Realm users? Realm automatically creates two groups for you to use in such cases.

On the Manage Groups page (Groups > Ministry Areas), these groups can be accessed by expanding the System Groups ministry area.

Church Group (named the same as your site)

This group contains everybody in your data. It is automatically updated when a profile is added, deleted, or marked inactive. You cannot add or delete members directly in the group. But you can schedule events (typically, worship services) and issue Realm invitations from here.

The most common uses for this group are to issue church-wide emails and record worship attendance.

Personnel Groups

The Personnel: All group contains everyone with a personnel-type profile. Each of the other personnel groups contains the profiles with a certain personnel type. This is a quick way to see all of your staff profiles, for example. These groups are automatically updated when a profile is marked as personnel or a new personnel profile is added or deleted. You cannot add or delete personnel directly in these groups. But you can schedule events (such as meetings), send emails, and share files with all or certain personnel from here.

Users With Responsibilities Group

This group contains everyone at your church with user permissions in Realm. It is automatically updated when a user is added or deleted. You cannot add or delete users directly in the group. But you can schedule events (such as meetings), send emails, and share files with these users from here.

Groups section on the Overview Dashboard

In order to keep an accurate records, the Church Group, Personnel groups, and Users With Responsibilities Group are not included in the calculations for the Groups section on the Overview Dashboard. Information displayed reflects the totals minus these groups.