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Delete a Group Type

Delete group types you no longer need.

  • To create and use group types, you must be an administrator or have the permission Add/Edit Groups set to Allow in at least one of your responsibilities.

You can delete a group type that you no longer need.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Groups > Settings.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon next to the group type, then select Delete.
    1. If the Group Type is not in use, you will not receive a warning and the Group Type is removed from the list immediately.
    2. If the Group Type is in use, a message displays alerting you to how many groups the Group Type is assigned to, and asks for confirmation to delete.
    3. Once you delete a Group Type it is removed from every group it was assigned and you will not be able to search on the Group Type anymore.