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Hidden Groups

Hidden groups are only visible to specific people.

Hidden groups let you offer special or sensitive subject matter groups at your church with the confidence that individuals and information related to those groups is discrete, visible only to group leaders and users with permission.

Table 1. What Can People See?
AdminUser with Add/Edit Groups RightsUsers Who Are Group MembersMinistry Area Leaders Who Are Group MembersGroup LeaderGroup Member
Hidden Group option when creating a group check check x x check x
Hidden Group in the Group List check check x x x x
Hidden Group when searching via the Search box check check x x x x
Hidden Group on Individual Profile Group Tab check check x x x check
Hidden Group Posts x x check check check check

If a member views the Groups tab on another's profile, the hidden group does not display in the list.

Using Kiosk Check-In with Realm?

Hidden groups will not appear when using check-in.

What about Guests?

While guests can be part of a hidden group, their access to hidden groups features is very limited. Guests of a hidden group:

  • cannot see the Post tab
  • cannot subscribe to posts
  • will not receive notifications related to posts
  • will not see the Resources tab for the hidden group