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Set up a Pledge Form

Create a campaign for your contributors to pledge online.

  • You must have the Enter Pledges permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Pledge Campaigns.
  2. Click Add Campaign.
  3. Enter the Fund name. As you type, a list of matches displays.
  4. Complete the fields, then click Save & Create Pledge Form.
  5. Enter a Unique URL for the form.
  6. Set the Default Frequency for contributors to pledge.
  7. Select whether or not you want to allow pledges from contributors who do not have a profile. This option is turned off by default.
    Note: A contributor's email address determines if a Realm account already exists. Those without an account cannot pledge.
  8. Click Save & Continue.

Design Your Pledge Form

Use a unique logo and colors to theme your pledge form.

  • You must have the Enter Pledges permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. Enter the title that contributors will see.
    1. The form's subtitle could indicate a campus or a small label about what the form is for.
    2. The intro message briefly describes the form. Click Need Ideas? for a handful of general messages you can use.
  2. Add a photo or logo to represent your form. Use a rectangular image with a file size of less than 12 MB for best results.
    1. If the image doesn't fit within the frame right away, use the sliders to shrink it and adjust the frame's shape. If it still doesn't fit, especially if it's a logo with text, use your photo editing software to rearrange it within a perfect square. We recommend 480 x 480 px.
  3. Select the color of the form's header. This is where the title, subtitle, and intro message display.
  4. Select a light or dark scheme for the following:
    • Frame—This is the outer border of your form.

    • Body—This is the inner area of your form, below the header.

  5. Select the accent color for the button on your form.
  6. Select your preferred font style.
  7. Click Save & Continue.

Thank Those Who Have Pledged

Thank contributors who have pledged to a campaign.

  • You must have the Enter Pledges permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. Enter a message that tells your contributors how much their pledge means. Click Need Ideas? for sample messages that you can select or use for inspiration.
  2. Select whether or not you want to allow contributors to add a recurring gift with their pledge. This option is turned on by default.
  3. Click Save.

Share Your Pledge Form

Share the pledge form with your contributors.

  • You must have the Enter Pledges permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. Copy the direct link.
  2. Paste the direct link on a webpage, into a bulletin, or into emails to encourage your contributors to give.
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