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Set up a Giving Form

Give your giving form a unique URL, and assign the funds that your contributors can give to.

  • You must be an administrator to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Online Giving Forms.
  2. Click Add Giving Form.
    Note: If this is your first giving form, click Create Your First Giving Form.
  3. Name your giving form. Contributors will not see this name.
  4. Add a unique URL. The following steps are optional:
    1. Suggest a minimum gift amount.
    2. If online giving is enabled and you have multiple giving forms, you can enter a keyword contributors text when they give.
    3. If you have multiple giving forms already, you can prioritize this form by setting it as your default giving form as well as your default text giving form if online giving is enabled.
  5. Optional: Allow contributors to dedicate gifts in memory or in honor of someone else.
    1. Select any number of In Memory / In Honor to make available for contributors, and organize them according to priority.
  6. Select any number of funds to include.
    Note: If this is your first giving form, all funds are selected by default. We recommend that these remain selected so that any existing links on your website allow your contributors to give to any fund until more giving forms are created.
  7. Optional: To edit who can enter a memo in a particular fund, click the ellipsis icon by a fund, and select Edit Memo.
    1. Select whether memos are not allowed, contributors can enter their own, or they can select from options you provide.
    2. If you choose to give contributors predefined memos, enter each memo and press Enter or Return on your keyboard until all memos are entered.
    3. Click Save.
  8. Click and drag giving funds to organize them by how you want them to display for contributors.
  9. Click Save & Continue.

Design Your Giving Form

Customize your giving form to adhere to your church's design.

  • You must be an administrator to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. Enter the title that contributors will see when they give.
    1. The form's subtitle could indicate a campus or a small label about what the giving form is for.
    2. The intro message briefly describes the giving form. Click Need Ideas? for a handful of general messages you can use.
  2. Add a photo or logo to represent your form. Use a rectangular image with a file size of less than 12 MB for best results.
    1. If the image doesn't fit within the frame right away, use the sliders to shrink it and adjust the frame's shape. If it still doesn't fit, especially if it's a logo with text, use your photo editing software to rearrange it within a perfect square. We recommend 480 x 480 px.
  3. Select the color of the header for your giving form. This is where the title, subtitle, and intro message display.
  4. Select a light or dark scheme for the following:
    • Frame — This is the outer border of your giving form.

    • Body — This is the inner area of your giving form, below the header.

  5. Select the accent color for the button on your form.
  6. Select your preferred font style.
  7. Click Save & Continue.

Thank Your Contributors

Customize a message of appreciation that your contributors will read after they give.

  • You must be an administrator to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. Enter a message that tells your contributors how much their gift means. Click Need Ideas? for sample messages that you can select or use for inspiration.
  2. Optional: Allow contributors to add a pledge with a recurring gift, only if they sign in.
  3. Click Save.

Share Your Giving Form

Copy, paste, and share your giving form's link.

  • You must be an administrator to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.

If you are still in the process of setting up your giving form, skip ahead to step 3. Make sure your organization follows PCI guidelines and your website is secure before you embed your form.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Online Giving Forms.
  2. Click the name of the form you want to share on your website.
  3. Copy the code or direct link based on how you want to share this giving form on your website.
    • If you or your web designer want the actual giving form to display on a webpage, copy and paste the embed code on this page.

    • If you copy a direct link to your giving form, you can paste it into a bulletin or mailings to encourage your contributors to give.

    Tip: QR codes provide an alternative to linking contributors to your giving forms.

    Visit the free QR code generator website of your choice, paste your direct giving link, and create a code that you can print in your bulletins or posters. Your contributors can scan that QR code into their phones and give.

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