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Add or Edit Teams that Receive Texts

If you've enabled text messaging for your church, you can change which serving teams receive texts.

You can add or edit the serving teams that receive texts. Text messages are sent to volunteers when a team leader creates an Inbox message, assigns a volunteer to a schedule, removes a volunteer from a schedule, or sets up system-generated reminders.

If you include all opted-in individuals, individuals can later edit their notification settings if they no longer wish to receive texts from a specific team.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Communications > Text Messaging.
  2. Click Edit Settings, and then the Connect Inbox Text tab.
  3. Click the + Add Serving Team tab.
  4. To add a new serving team, click the Add Serving Team tab. Then, enter the serving team name in the Search serving teams... drop-down menu, and select the team.
  5. To remove a serving team, locate the team's name in the list, and clickthe more options icon. Select Remove, and select whether to send a cancellation email to team members. Then click Remove.
  6. Select Include Opted-In next to a team to automatically send text messages to all opted-in individuals in that team. This will also add that team to the individual's text notification settings.
  7. Click Save.