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Copy Parish Events to Your Calendar

The Parish Calendar displays events that your parish has published to their Google Calendar. If you have a Google account, you can copy public parish events or add the full parish calendar to your Google Calendar. For additional help with Google Calendar, see the Google Calendar Help.

  1. Log in to Parish Life.
  2. In the menu, click Parish Calendar. Or, on the Dashboard, locate the Parish Calendar section.
    Note: The Dashboard always shows the calendar as a list in Agenda view. To see the full Week or Month view, click View Parish Calendar.
  3. Locate the event you want to copy to your calendar.
    1. Use the navigation buttons at the top to see different weeks/months.
    2. Click the Week, Month, and Agenda buttons to change the calendar view.
  4. Click the event, and confirm the date, time, and description.
  5. Click copy to my calendar.
  6. Your Google Calendar opens with the event details in Edit mode. You may need to log in to your Google account.
  7. Review the details, and make any changes if you'd like.
    Note: Any changes you make to event details only display on your calendar. The parish's original event will not be affected.
  8. Click Save.

Add the Entire Parish Calendar

  1. Log in to Parish Life.
  2. In the menu, click Parish Calendar.
  3. At the bottom-right of the calendar, click the Google Calendar add button white plus sign in a blue box followed by "Google Calendar".
  4. Your Google Calendar opens with a prompt to add the calendar. You may need to log in to your Google account.
  5. Confirm the calendar you're adding. The email that displays is the one the parish uses to upload public events.
    Note: The parish's calendar will not be affected by this.
  6. Click Add.

The parish's calendar displays under the Other calendars section in the left pane of your Google Calendar window. Any changes you make to the calendar settings only display for you. Events on this calendar are view-only and cannot be edited except by the parish.