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View Duplicate Family Records

A family can be associated with multiple parishes or other organizations. Because of this, there could be multiple records for the family in your database. You can view a list of these additional parishes/organizations.

Note: The View Duplicates option was replaced with the new way to manage parishes for Version 8 and above. We recommend using Manage Parishes instead of using duplicates. However, if you want to use duplicate records, clear Use V. 8 Method to Manage Primary Parish in the Initial Setup window.
  1. On the Families tab, click Families > Primary Information.
  2. Locate the family record you want to check for duplicates.
  3. In the navigation pane, click View Duplicates.
    If the family has duplicates, they display in the grid.
  4. Select Mark as Duplicate to list this as the family's secondary or additional parish.
  5. At the top, click Save.