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Save a Shape

After drawing a shape on the map, you can save it for future use.

You can draw a shape of a suburban area of your community, then save that shape with the suburb's name.

If you close and come back later, you can display a saved shape to pick up where you left off. Sharing the shape with others in your agency lets them display it on maps and use it for reports, too.

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Shapes.
  2. On the Control Center, under Drawing Settings, draw your shape.
  3. On the Control Center, under Current Shapes , click Save Shape beside the shape you want to save.
  4. Enter a Shape Name.
  5. To let others within your church or agency access this shape for reports or scans, select Share this Shape with Other Users in My Agency.
  6. Click Save.

Your saved shape or radius displays under Saved Shapes in the Control Center. To display your shape, click Draw. To permanently delete a saved shape, click Permanently Delete this Shape.

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