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Generate Predefined Reports

After drawing a shape or loading a saved shape, you can generate a predefined report, such as the QuickInsite, ExecutiveInsite, or MinistryInsite reports for that region.

  1. Draw your shape, radius, or travel polygon.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Demographics.
  3. Expand Predefined. Your study and study area display. If you loaded a saved shape earlier, the saved shape's name displays in the Study Area.
  4. In the drop-down list, select the predefined report you want to generate.
  5. Click Generate Report.
By default, MissionInsite saves your report in your Downloads folder. You can also click on Recent (on the Navigation Bar) to view recent reports generated within the last 30 days.

Predefined Reports

MissionInsite 's predefined reports help you dig deeper into your map's data.

You can generate reports based on predefined boundaries such as cities, states, or counties. You can also draw a radius or polygon and generate a report for that geographical area.

MissionInsite also includes data from religious surveys. You can use the data from ReligiousInsite and MinistryInsite when developing sermons or programs.

If you want to generate multiple predefined reports at the same time, you can do so within the User Assistant.

MissionInsite Predefined Reports

The QuickInsite report provides an initial StoryView graphic that displays levels of change for nine key demographic variables. This 10-page report provides an initial impression of a study area through demographic variables, the top 10 Mosaic segments, and five religious beliefs.

QuickInsite features the most recent census data, current year estimates, and five and ten year forecasts for population, households, and age. You can also view population, households (including family households with children), age, education, career status, diversity, and financial resource information.

The report links to the QuickInsite Worksheet, which you can use to discover your understanding of your ministry area's population and households.


The ExecutiveInsite report is built around the most recent census data, current year estimates, and five and ten year projections for population, households, and age. This 16-page report tells a geographic area's demographic story. It features 12 sections, including population and household trends, racial/ethnic trends, age trends, household income trends, marital status trends, Mosaic household types, and more. Each section includes a narrative, tables, and graphs.

This report is more focused than the QuickInsite report and includes a summary of findings at the end. Some unique findings include median income by race, generational presence, and religious program/ministry preference. The report also includes a link to a worksheet to help you use this information to build ministries.


The ComparativeInsite report compares a defined mission area's demographic profile with the organization's core demographic profile. The report generates a Mosaic Profile of the study area and the organization's core people, then matches the study area's Experian Mosaic Segment variables with those where an organization's core people reside.

ReligiousInsite provides insights a community's religious attitudes, social and moral values, and faith involvement. This report displays trends in religious preferences and denominational affiliation. It also shows the community's activity as religious congregants.
ReligiousInsite Priorities
This report summarizes ReligiousInsite topics, such as beliefs about God, Jesus, social and moral values, and religious involvement.
MinistryInsite provides practical applications of data from the ReligiousInsite report. It includes life concerns and reasons for non-participation in religious congregations. You can compare your geographic area's data to national averages.
MinistryInsite Priorities
This report summarizes MinistryInsite topics, such as life concerns, program and ministry preferences, and information sources and social media preferences.

Generate Custom Reports based on Geographic Boundaries

You can generate custom reports based on geographic boundaries like cities, counties, or ZIP codes.

Custom report options include both demographic trends and religious, social, media, and life concerns.

Both your user rights and your agency's rights determine which geographic boundaries you can access.

To customize your report for multiple geographic areas or a more rural area, generate your custom report based on a radius or polygon.

  1. In the User Assistant, under What Would You Like to Do?, click Generate Demographics Reports.
  2. Under Demographics Geographic Area Setup, select Predefined Boundaries.
  3. Select the Agency Boundaries or Standard Layers to use for your report. As you select geographic boundaries and layers you can define them. You can also select multiple boundaries and layers.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Choose the option to run a Custom report.
  6. Select Demographics or American Beliefs Study.
  7. Select your report options, then click Next.
  8. Under Review and Summary, review your Study, Report Selection, and Geography Options. To make changes, click Previous. Otherwise, click Finish.

To view your report, on the Navigation bar, click Recent, then click on your report.

Generate Predefined Reports Based on Geographic Boundaries

You can generate predefined demographics reports based on geographic boundaries like cities, counties, or ZIP codes.

Both your user rights and your agency's rights determine which geographic boundaries you can access.

If you want to customize your report for multiple geographic areas or a more rural area, you may want to generate your report based on a polygon or radius.

  1. In the User Assistant, under What Would You Like to Do?, click Generate Demographics Reports.
  2. Under Demographics Geographic Area Setup, select Predefined Boundaries (e.g. Zip Codes, Cities, Counties, etc.).
  3. Select the Agency Boundaries or Standard Layers for your report. As you select geographic boundaries and layers, you can define them. You can also select multiple boundaries and layers.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Predefined, then select the report to run. You can select and generate multiple predefined reports.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Under Review and Summary, review your Study, Report Selection, and Geography Options. To make changes, click Previous. Otherwise, click Finish.

By default, MissionInsite saves your report in your Downloads folder. If you selected multiple reports, generating them may take several minutes.

You can also view all recent reports. To do this, on the Navigation Bar, click Recent.

Generate Predefined Reports Based on a Radius or Polygon

You can generate predefined demographics reports based on a geographic radius or a polygon you draw with your cursor.

Generating reports based on a shape is helpful for large geographic areas that contain several cities and small towns. You can define the report's boundaries to include smaller towns that may not display in the list of cities.

If you want to generate a report based on a specific city, county, or ZIP code, you may want generate your report based on predefined geographic boundaries.

  1. In the User Assistant, under What Would You Like to Do?, click Generate Demographics Reports.
  2. Under Demographics Geographic Area Setup, select Radius or Polygon I Draw.
  3. Enter an address close to the general area where you want to draw, then click Next .
  4. Under Report Area Drawing, select to create a Radius or Polygon.
  5. Enter your radius information or draw your polygon boundaries. When they are correct, click Next.
  6. Select Predefined, then select the report you want to run. You can generate multiple predefined reports at once.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Under Review and Summary, review your Study, Report Selection, and Geography Options. To make changes, click Previous. Otherwise, click Finish.

By default, MissionInsite saves your report in your Downloads folder. If you selected multiple reports, this may take several minutes.

You can also view all recent reports. To do this, on the Navigation Bar, click Recent.

Generate Custom Reports based on Geographic Boundaries

You can generate custom reports based on geographic boundaries like cities, counties, or ZIP codes.

Custom report options include both demographic trends and religious, social, media, and life concerns.

Both your user rights and your agency's rights determine which geographic boundaries you can access.

To customize your report for multiple geographic areas or a more rural area, generate your custom report based on a radius or polygon.

  1. In the User Assistant, under What Would You Like to Do?, click Generate Demographics Reports.
  2. Under Demographics Geographic Area Setup, select Predefined Boundaries.
  3. Select the Agency Boundaries or Standard Layers to use for your report. As you select geographic boundaries and layers you can define them. You can also select multiple boundaries and layers.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Choose the option to run a Custom report.
  6. Select Demographics or American Beliefs Study.
  7. Select your report options, then click Next.
  8. Under Review and Summary, review your Study, Report Selection, and Geography Options. To make changes, click Previous. Otherwise, click Finish.

To view your report, on the Navigation bar, click Recent, then click on your report.

Generate Custom Reports based on a Radius or Polygon

You can generate custom demographics reports based on a geographic radius or a polygon you draw with your cursor.

Custom report options include both demographic trends and American Beliefs Study (religious, social, media, and life concern) trends.

Generating reports based on a radius or polygon is helpful for large geographic areas that contain several cities and small towns. You can define the report's boundaries to include smaller towns that may not display in the list of cities.

If you want to generate a report based on a specific city, county, or ZIP code, you may want to use predefined geographic boundaries instead.

  1. In the User Assistant, under What Would You Like to Do?, click Generate Demographics Reports.
  2. Under Demographics Geographic Area Setup, select Radius or Polygon I Draw.
  3. Enter an address close to the general area where you want to draw, then click Next .
  4. Under Report Area Drawing, select to create a Radius or Polygon.
  5. Enter your radius information or draw your polygon boundaries. When they are correct, click Next.
  6. Select Custom.
  7. Select Demographics or American Beliefs Study, then select any report options.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Under Review and Summary, review your Study, Report Selection, and Geography Options. To make changes, click Previous. Otherwise, click Finish.

To view your report, on the Navigation bar, click Recent, then click on your report.

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