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Build a Demographics Report

After drawing a shape or loading a saved shape, you can build a custom demographics report.

When building a report, you can choose which overview, people, household, family, diversity, housing, or work information displays.

  1. Draw your shape, radius, or travel polygon.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Demographics.
  3. Expand Custom Reports, then click Build a Demographics Report.
  4. In the Custom Demographics Reports window, select each option or trend you want to display on your report. You can display options from each section. To display all options in a section, choose Select All .

    When you select an option, it displays under Reports. You can clear any options you may have accidentally selected. Your Study Area also displays.

  5. Click Generate Report.
  6. To view your report and other recent reports, on the Navigation Bar, click Recent.
Your demographics report also automatically saves to your computer's Downloads folder. This lets you view it when MissionInsite is closed and share it with others.

To view your report, open your Downloads folder and double-click on the file.

Note: You may want to rename your file so you can easily access and reference it later. We suggest including the attributes you selected as well as the file date in your file name.
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