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In the Plotting area, you can plot congregants, neighbors/prospects, or other people types your agency has defined within MissionInsite.

Plotting lets you see congregants' and neighbors/prospects' distance from the church, so you can determine where your ministry areas are and focus your ministry.

Tip: To activate PeoplePlot for your church, contact the office of your denominational or regional agency. If you do not have an account under an agency, contact MissionInsite Support. At least one local church user must be designated as a church administrator in MissionInsite.
People don't live in perfect circles or zip codes, and ministry doesn't happen that way either.

People plot displays your congregation by the distance they travel to church, which is a powerful tool for mission focus and small group ministry development. For example, do 50% of your congregants live within three miles of your church, or within five miles or beyond? People plot answers this question so you can truly determine if your congregation is a neighborhood, community, or regional church.

Plotting congregants is the default option, but you can plot multiple people types if your agency has them set up. If you have access to multiple studies within your agency, you can also select to plot people from all studies or only specific studies. In addition, you can display a legend or address labels when plotting. To clear plots at any time, click Clear Plots.

If you have access to Neighbor Center or Prospect Center, you can plot neighbors or prospects based on multiple criteria and display a legend. You can see how far potential congregants who share attributes with your current church members live from your church.

Plotting prospects or neighbors helps you develop effective outreach strategies and pinpoint where to target those strategies. If you draw a shape after plotting neighbors, the neighbor count updates to reflect the number of prospects inside the shape.

To get started, on the Navigation Bar, click Plotting. Or, in the User Assistant, click People Plot.

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