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Create or Export a Map

When you export or create a map, you can choose map overlays, plot data, and include a legend.

  1. In the User Assistant, under What Would You Like to Do?, click Create/Export Map.
  2. Under Basic Map Setup, select the Agency Boundaries or Agency Locations to focus on, then click Next.
  3. Under Select Overlays, select the Agency Locations, Standard Layers and Landmarks to display on your map, then click Next.
  4. To add plots to your map, select Yes, Add Plots. You can plot some or all congregants. If you don't want to add plots, select No Thanks.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the drop-down lists, select your map's size, orientation, image type, and resolution. You can also include a legend. Click Next.
  7. Under Review and Summary, review your map's focused boundary, any additional boundaries, plotting options, and export details. To make any changes, click Previous.
  8. To download your map, click Finish.
By default, MissionInsite saves your export in your Downloads folder.
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