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Report Cards

The Report Cards page displays the details of your most recent data quality grade. Report Cards are generated on the 10th of the month and are immediately available on the Customer Portal. The most recent report card is visible and past report cards are available in the drop-down menu at the top right.

An overall grade is assigned and emailed to your organization's Data/User SPoCs monthly on the first Monday following the first Friday of the month. Any user from your organization can review the Report Card history and details via the Customer Portal.

Grade Categories

Your overall grade is calculated based on your grade in the individual categories detailed below. Your percent grade and percentile (across all MinistryPlatform churches) are also included. The honor roll is awarded to churches in the top percentile.
Note: It's possible to get an A on your report card and not be on the honor roll, but don't despair! A new month is right around the corner.

A trend graph of the past five weeks is also visible for each category. Hovering over trend graphs will show the date and count.

Active vs. Activity

  • The number of Contacts* with an Active status should reflect the people who are actually active in your church.
    • How it's calculated: The ratio of Active Contacts compared to the number of Contacts with Activity Log activity in the last 365 days.
    • How to get an A: 85% or more of your Contacts with a Contact Status of Active also have Activity in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Active vs Activity.

Duplicate Contacts

  • Duplicate Contacts should be kept to a minimum. This grade is weighted more heavily than others and rewards improvement over time.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Contacts marked with the Duplicate of Contact Relationship compared to the number of Contacts with Activity (Activity Log) in the last 365 days.
    • How to get an A: Less than 2% of your Contacts with the Duplicate of Contact Relationship also have Activity in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Duplicate Contacts.

Contacts No Household

  • Contacts should have a Household record.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Contacts with a missing Household field compared to the number of Contacts with Activity (Activity Log) in the last 365 days.
    • How to get an A: Less than 2% of your Contacts with a missing Household field also have Activity in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Contact No Household.

Default Donor Donations

  • Donations should be assigned to an actual Donor.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Donation records associated with Default Contact this month as compared to the number of Donation records associated with Default Contact last month.
    • How to get an A: Less than 2% of your Donations are associated with Default Contact compared to number of Contacts with Activity in the last year or none.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Default Contact - Donations.

Default Donor Pledges

  • Pledges should be assigned to an actual Donor.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Pledge records associated with Default Contact this month as compared to the number of Pledge records associated with Default Contact last month.
    • How to get an A: Less than 2% of your Pledges are associated with Default Contact compared to number of Contacts with Activity in the last year or none.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Default Contact - Pledges.

Default Form Responses

  • Form Responses should be assigned to an actual Contact.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Form Response records associated with Default Contact this month as compared to the number of Form Response records associated with Default Contact last month.
    • How to get an A: A decrease of at least 10% month over month, none, or number is < 2% of total Form Responses in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Default Contact - Form Responses.

Default Event Participants

  • Events should be assigned to actual Participants.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Event Participant records associated with Default Contact this month as compared to the number of Event Participant records associated with Default Contact last month.
    • How to get an A: A decrease of at least 10% month over month, none, or number is < 2% of total Event Participants in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Default Contact - Event Participants.

Default Group Participants

  • Groups should be assigned to actual Participants.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Group Participant records associated with Default Contact this month as compared to the number of Group Participant records associated with Default Contact last month.
    • How to get an A: A decrease of at least 10% month over month, none, or number is < 2% of total Group Participants in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Default Contact - Group Participants.

Default Opportunity Responses

  • Responses should be assigned to actual Participants.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Opportunity Response records associated with Default Contact this month as compared to the number of Response records associated with Default Contact last month.
    • How to get an A: A decrease of at least 10% month over month, none, or number is < 2% of total Opportunity Responses in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Default Contact - Opportunity Responses.

Default Group Inquiries

  • Inquiries should be assigned to actual Participants.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Group Inquiry records associated with Default Contact this month as compared to the number of Group Inquiry records associated with Default Contact last month.
    • How to get an A: A decrease of at least 10% month over month, none, or number is < 2% of total Group Inquiries in the last year.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Default Contact - Group Inquiries.

Major Data Issues

  • Contacts should be properly related to Participants, Donors, and Users.
    • How it's calculated: The number of Contact records with mismatches (IDs do not match both ways). Includes mismatched Participant, Donor, User, and multiple Participants, Donors, or Users pointed to the same Contact.
    • How to get an A: No Contact records with a major data issue.
    • How to improve: See Data Issues: Mismatched People Records.

Significant Major Data issues will cap your overall grade at a B or C based on severity. This grade is weighted more heavily than others.

*For the sake of simplicity, in this article, "Contacts" are Contacts with a Contact Type of Individual. Contacts with a Contact Type of Company are not in scope when calculating Contact-based Report Card grades.

Note: Concerned about your report card grades? Reach out to a Coach to make a plan for getting on the data honor roll!