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PocketPlatform App Branding

When we create your PocketPlatform app, we'll need a few images to get started. When filling out your App Branding Form, be sure to upload an image for each section, even if the same image is being used in multiple places.

Note: The minimum preferred resolution for vertical images is 1440 x 2560. The minimum preferred resolution for horizontal images is 1600 x 900, although they can be as small as 1200 x 675.
Please provide the following images with your App Branding form in a JPG format:
  • App Loading Background: The image displayed when the app is loading, cropped to fit a vertical, portrait orientation.
  • Login Screen: The login screen background image, cropped to fit a vertical, portrait orientation.
  • Group Default Image: This image displays when there is no image attached to the Platform Group record. It should be cropped to fit a horizontal, landscape orientation.
  • Event Default Image: This image displays when there is no image attached to the Platform Event record. It should be cropped to fit a horizontal, landscape orientation.
  • Opportunity Default Image: This image displays when there is no image attached to the Platform Opportunity record. It should be cropped to fit a horizontal, landscape orientation.
  • Giving Screen: The background of your giving screen, cropped to fit a horizontal, landscape orientation.
  • Profile Screen: The background of your Profile screen, cropped to fit a horizontal, landscape orientation.