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Generate Links

Learn how to use the Link Generator in PocketPlatform for easy creation of in-app links.

Links are a powerful part of PocketPlatform, helping your users navigate to the information they're looking for. Leveraging this powerful tool is easier than ever with the Link Generator. This tool automates the process of generating the in-app links used in the "Link URL" field on Lists of Lists, Announcements, and Announcement buttons.

Group Detail Link Generator

External Link Generator

Sermon Series Link Generator

Custom Form Link Generator

  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Lists of Lists or Announcements or Announcement Buttons.
  2. Open the record that will include a link to a different screen. When the link is generated, it will be added to this record.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Link Generator.
  4. Select the screen you want to link to. Clicking in this area will produce a drop-down list with several options.
  5. Fill out the fields.
    Note: The fields are dynamic based on where you're linking to. But don't worry, the Link Generator will guide the way.
  6. Save the record.
    You'll see a message letting you know that you can close the tool and encouraging you to refresh the Platform record.
  7. Refresh your Platform view. The link will not be in the Link URL field.