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Personnel Records

With Personnel records (located under Personnel > Personnel), you can track all the basic details about personnel, such as what they do, when they were hired, which parish they're associated with, and so on. Because personnel can serve in different capacities (like a deacon who also works at a parish), you can create multiple personnel records per contact. Contact records have a Personnel tab that shows all the records for that contact.

Record Insights and Views

The record insights on Personnel records show the email address and phone number from the Contact record as well as the parish where they're registered, their spouse (if applicable), their home address, and other useful information.

There are several views that show personnel information in different ways.
  • Personnel Assignments page > Active Address List view – Shows personnel who have active assignments, along with spouse and address information.
  • Personnel Assignments page > Clergy: Expires Within 30 Days view and Deacon: Expires Within 30 Days view – These show assignment details for the clergy or deacons who have active assignments where the End Date is less than 30 days away.
  • Personnel Assignments page > Directory Clergy Assignments view – Shows personnel and assignment details for clergy who have active assignments where the End Date is blank.

Add a Personnel Record

  • You must be a Personnel Administrator to do this.
  • Make sure you've added a Household/Family and Contact record before adding personnel. To do so, you can use the Add/Edit Family Tool from the Personnel page.
  1. In the navigation menu, click Personnel > Personnel.
  2. Click New Personnel.
  3. Select the contact associated with this personnel.
  4. Select the type of personnel you're adding. This is usually based on their assignment, and contacts can have multiple Personnel records.
    These are System Lookup values that cannot be changed.
  5. Enter any relevant dates for this personnel.
  6. Select the status of this personnel at your organization, such as Active or Retired.
    Admins can change these values under Personnel > Personnel Record Statuses.
  7. Select the parish that this personnel is primarily associated with. This may be different from the parish(es) where the personnel is assigned.
  8. Enter any other personnel information you want to track.
    Tip: You can hover over a field label to learn more about it.
  9. Click Save.

View personnel records on the Personnel page.

You can track more details of a personnel's assignments, benefits, and more in the pages under the Personnel section or on the tabs of the Personnel record.

Personnel Fields

These are some of the fields you'll see on Personnel records.

Personnel Type
The type of personnel based on their assignment, such as a Catechist, Clergy, Religious, Staff, Teacher, or Volunteer. These are System Lookup values that cannot be changed.
Personnel Record Status
The status that this personnel holds in relation to your organization, such as Active, Leave of Absence, or Retired. Admins can change these values under Personnel > Personnel Record Statuses. This can help you understand whether clerics are in good standing or if they're under any canonical penalties, such as suspension or laicization. And, when you need to provide statistics for the Kenedy report, you can pull this status to see the totals for specific positions, such as retired bishops.
Citizenship Type
The type of citizenship that the personnel has, such as US Citizen, Green Card, or Student Visa. Admins can change these values under Lookup Values > Citizenship Types.
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