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Children's Ministry FAQ

Q1: How do I ensure that children receive a secure name tag?

In order to receive a secure name tag, children must be in a group where Secure Check-In is set to Yes AND they have a Group Role with the type of Participant.

Q2: What is the best way to register children for an event where they will check in?

We recommend you add children to a group when they register. Then, create a new event and check the children into that event by associating the group to the event directly or through the program.

Q3: How do I handle Check-In for kids of divorced Parents?

Typically, kids are placed in the Household of the appropriate parent based on the divorce agreement and/or communication preferences. Then the other parent's Household is indicated using the "Other Households" sub-page on the Contact record. Then, in Check-In, the child displays under a search for either household. The household a child is checked in under affects any parent-related information on the child's name tag.

Q4: How exactly does the promotion work (technically speaking)?

The child's existing Group Participant record is updated. The group ID is updated from the old group to the new group record. If you prefer to end-date the child's group and create a new group record, an administer can change the SERVICES, WeeklyPromotionsByUpdate configuration setting to No.

Q5: I have a child that did not promote even though they have a DOB listed. What might cause this? I know the routine is running and promoting others.

If the child is 12 months older than the Age in Months to Promote value, the routine ignores the child. This indicates the child may have been put into the system with the wrong date of birth. Review them and edit appropriately.