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1. Grant Platform Access

At install, all Administrator users have full access to the Needs Management section in the Platform. To grant access to this section to other users, we recommend you create two additional security roles and assign them to the appropriate users.

See Page Permissions.

2. Create Need Campaign

The Need Connect application displays Need Types and Needs organized by a Need Campaign. The active Need Campaign is whichever Campaign has the Is_Default field set to Yes. The Title and Description of the Campaign displays at the top of the Connect Form.

A sample Need Campaign is provided at install. To add, edit, or delete as needed, go to Needs Management > Need Campaigns.

See Campaign Setup.

3. Create Need Types

Need Types are the listing of Needs that someone needs help with or that someone wants to provide help with. You can find them on the Connect Form. There is also the Connect Board, which is organized by Need Types.

Upon installation, there are several sample Need Types provided. To add, edit, or delete as needed, go to Needs Management > Need Types.

See Need Types Setup.

4. Customize Email Templates

There are several email templates that you should customize to reflect your branding and language.

  • Requester Confirmation Email Template: Sent to the Requester if not logged in after making the request for help.
  • Provider Confirmation Email Template: Sent to the Provider if not logged in after making the offer to help.
  • Provider Invite Email Template: Sent to the Provider after they have been approved to help with a specific Need Type.
  • Provider Assignment Email Template: Sent to the Provider after they claim a Need from the Connect Board.
  • Need Assigned Email Template: Sent to the Requester after a Provider claims their Need from the Connect Board.
  • Provider Follow-up Email Template: Sent to the Provider the day an incomplete assigned Need exceeds the Campaign's Expected Days to Complete.

See Email Templates.

5. Determine Provider Approval Procedure

Each church must decide the standards of approval Providers must meet. The church must approve Providers through the Platform to gain access to the Connect Board and assign Needs.

See Provider Approval.

6. Share with your community!

Get the word out to your community!

See Need Management.