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Geocode Utility

Requirements, setup, details, and additional resources for the Geocode utility.

Note: CloudServices is required to leverage this functionality. Contact Support to get started.

This utility geocodes Addresses, which updates these fields: Latitude, Longitude, and Last Geocode Attempt.

Initial Setup and Requirements

ACS Technologies must install and enable this Utility for you. Contact Support to request this.

You must configure a Bing API.


The routine automatically runs overnight and calculates values for 5,000 records. It may take some time to geocode all addresses in your database.

You can send a request to Support to manually run the Utility for more records. There is a 20,000 daily limit.

The following fields update when you geocode an Address:

  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Last_GeoCode_Attempt

There is a database trigger on Addresses, so if you change an Address_Line_1 field, the Geocoding values clear. The Household Distance and Drive Time values also clear.

CloudServices attempts to geocode an address if ALL of the following conditions are met:

  • Latitude or Longitude is blank
  • Last_GeoCode_Attempt is greater than 30 days
  • Do_Not_Validate is set to No/False

See Also