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Participants Dashboard

From Classroom Manager, choose the appropriate event from the Event drop-down list. The options selected on the Check-In Suite Home page determine the list of available events.

Then, a dashboard displays for an individual to see all the active Participants for the Groups associated with the selected Event. This includes each Participant's Name, gender, date of birth, age, check-in status, attributes (for example, allergies or photo preferences), Group, Room, Call Number, and Group Role. You can sort the dashboard by Last Name, First Name, Group, or Role.

Note: The dashboard displays up to 10,000 participants. If the Groups for the selected Event exceed that limit, some participants do not display in the Classroom Manager. However, they can still check in for the Event.

Once you select an Event, you can select a Participant from the grid to update their status, update their allergy information, and add other notes. When a Participant checks in, the system timestamps their record. The timestamp updates if the Participant moves from status Checked-in to Present.