Participants Dashboard
From Classroom Manager, choose the appropriate event from the Event drop-down list. The options selected on the Check-In Suite Home page determine the list of available events.
Then, a dashboard displays for an individual to see all the active Participants for the Groups associated with the selected Event. This includes each Participant's Name, gender, date of birth, age, check-in status, attributes (for example, allergies or photo preferences), Group, Room, Call Number, and Group Role. You can sort the dashboard by Last Name, First Name, Group, or Role.
Once you select an Event, you can select a Participant from the grid to update their status, update their allergy information, and add other notes. When a Participant checks in, the system timestamps their record. The timestamp updates if the Participant moves from status Checked-in to Present.
Page Views
These views show all of the Group Participants who meet the selected criteria. Each Group Participant displays one time per Event they belong to, so you may see the same person listed multiple times.
- All Group Members
- This shows every Group Participant in every Group associated with the selected Event. They may be checked in, marked present in a room, checked out, or not checked in or present at all.
- Checked In
- This only shows Group Participants who have already checked into the Event.
- Marked Present
- This only shows Group Participants who have checked in and have been marked present in a classroom.
- Checked Out
- This shows all Group Participants who have been successfully checked out of a classroom.
- Search
- Perform a simple search for the participant. You cannot use commas or wildcards.
- Groups drop-down list
- Display all groups associated with the selected event. You can choose specific groups to filter, and participants display accordingly on each page view. The Groups list is sorted alphabetically.
- Rooms drop-down list
- Display everyone who is checked in and confirmed to a room. If no one is checked into the room yet, the room won't show in the view. Participants listed under the "No Room" filter haven't been marked present in a room. You can choose specific rooms to filter, and participants display accordingly on each page view.
When you select groups and/or rooms, filtered values display under each Page View regardless of which View you selected.
In the example below, the individual selected the Babies and Fourth Grade groups in the Groups drop-down list filter, and the user is on the Checked Out page view of the Participants Dashboard. The filter displays six participants in the Fourth Grade and Babies groups that checked out.
Auto URL
- Automatically log in as the Auto Login User. To assign the Auto Login User, set the appropriate values for the following configuration settings:
- CIM, AutoLoginPassword
- CIM, AutoLoginUsername
- Load the same Home Settings and Classroom Manager Settings.
Each URL you generate includes a church-specific token. All tokens issued do not expire and validate when you use the Auto URL. If you change the Auto Login Configuration Settings, the token becomes invalid. If token is invalid or not provided, an error displays. You can use the same Auto URL on multiple machines or stations, if needed.