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Classroom Manager Use Cases

Companion to the Check-In Kiosk

In this scenario, Classroom Manager shows photos, allergies, and other important information of the Participants checked in through the Check-In Kiosk. Teachers may not be required to mark Participants present. Instead, they use the tool as a heads up display and to provide better care. Your church may require explicit check-out for babies and other young children for additional accountability.

Stand-alone Attendance & Care System

For some smaller Events, you can use the Classroom Manager as a standalone tool to mark Participants present, record care notes, and indicate when they were picked up. This is appropriate in more childcare-oriented settings with lower attendance volume. We don't recommend this approach for worship services. If you need to print name tags, use the Check-In Kiosk.

Volunteer Attendance System

If your volunteers don't need labels, a leader could use the Classroom Manager to post attendance by volunteers at Events including worship services. Because photos display, the leader may associate new volunteers with their record more easily.

Sunday School Attendance

While Classroom Manager has specific features related to care of children, you can use it to post attendance for individuals in any age group, including adult Sunday school groups.

Oversight & Support for Multiple Groups

In this scenario, you selected multiple Groups and can centrally coordinate all Groups to do things like:

  • Call parents (if applicable).
  • Review allergies and special notes.
  • Mark Participants present.
  • Check out Participants.