Check-In Suite Settings
Edit the following Configuration Settings in the Platform to determine how Check-In Suite operates.
- CIM, AutoLoginPassword
- The password of the user account associated with the user and their related Check-In security roles for the Auto Login URL.
- CIM, AutoLoginUsername
- The username of the User account associated with the user and their related Check-In security roles for the Auto Login URL.
- CIM, CallNumberChar
- The number of characters to include in the Call Number.
- CIM, CallNumberType
- 1 = ContactID, 2 = HouseholdID, 3 = Family Call # (from households table), 4 = Deprecated.
- CIM, FamilyNoteCareContact
- Contact ID that will be assigned to all Household Care Log items created by Check-In. 2 = Default Contact.
- CIM, FamilyNoteCareOutcomeID
- The outcome type for the Household Care Log Entry. 1 = Pending Assignment, 2 = Assigned, 3 = Closed-Success, 4 = Closed-Failed.
- CIM, FamilyNoteCareTypeID
- The Household Care Type ID to be used for Check-In 2 when creating new Household Care record.
- CIM, FrontDeskSMSNumber
- The number that receives text messages (SMS) at the front desk of a church. Note: This number should be a ten-digit phone number that can accept text formatted with dashes (for example, 222-333-4455).
- CIM, GuestOfFamilyHHPositionID
- The Household Position ID to be used for the Contact created using the Add Guest feature.
- CIM, HideCallParentsButton
- Hides the Notify Parents button on the Classroom Manager so no one can notify parents using custom workflow through the application.
- CIM, PersonalAttributeTypeID
- The Attribute Type ID used for identifying personal characteristics available for printing on labels.
- CIM, ShowAddGuest
- Default is True. Set this to False to hide the Add Guest button in Attended Mode. It may take up to ten minutes to see the change in the Check-In Suite.
- CIM, ShowsInCheckinHHTypeID
- The ID of the Household Type "Shows in Checkin". Other Households with that Type will then show in the "Family and Permitted Guardians" section of Classroom Manager for a selected Participant. (Household Types are found in System Lookups/Household Types. If you are missing the type "Shows in Check-in", add it to your system.)
- COMMON, PhoneMask
- COMMON, GlobalCongregationID
- COMMON, defaultContactStatus
- COMMON, ParticipationStatusID
- COMMON, defaultParticipantType: the Participant Type given to any new individual added.
- COMMON, State: determines the state abbreviation that's defaulted for any address entry in the system.
- If you select a group while you add or edit a new family member through Check-In Suite, the Group Role assigned is the one defined in that group's Group Type record.