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Add an Outreach Partners Page

Set up and publish a page that organizes events with local outreach partners.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
Local mission work or events are often hosted through partnerships between churches and humanitarian agencies such as the Red Cross, Habit for Humanity, or other unique service-oriented groups in your community. If your church or parish frequently partners with groups like this, you can organize events on a single page on your public site and place a link on the outreach partner's page so that the larger community can participate. There is no additional charge for posting this link on an outreach partner's site.
  1. Click Admin > Settings.
  2. On the left menu, click Public Home, then LOCAL OUTREACHES.
  3. In the Name field, enter a custom label for local outreach activities.
  4. To make the page visible to the public, toggle the ACTIVE or INACTIVE button.
  5. To display filters on the page, toggle the SHOW OR HIDE button.
  6. Optional: Enter text that describes your partnership, and upload a 400px X 267px horizontal image used to highlight the header on this page.
    example of header bar with local outreach label
  7. Click Save Changes.
Your public engagement site now includes a separate page for outreach partners. If you do not see it, reload or refresh your browser.