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Auto-archive an Event

You can set an event to auto-archive after a certain amount of days so that the billing process and reminder emails automatically stop. Admins can still access the event's information.

  • You must be a Go Method admin or a trip leader to do this.
Archiving an event after it has ended is the only way to stop billing for the event. Also, archived events don't send out anymore emails, such as reminder emails, but admins still have access to information from the event. While creating your event, you can set it to automatically archive after a certain amount of days.
  1. In the Event Information section of creating a new event, find the Autoarchive Event field.
  2. Select when you want to auto-archive the event from the drop-down list. The event will automatically archive [X] amount of days after the event ends.
    The Autoarchive Event drop-down list expanded with the options listed below.
  3. Complete the event creation process.
Your event will automatically archive after the selected amount ot days, stopping the billing process and reminder emails for this event.