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Events are scheduled activities. Examples include worship, Vacation Bible School, weddings, weekly meetings, special programs, and athletic events.

You must add events to a specific calendar, and you can also publish events so they display for all ACS Facility Scheduler users.

Date and Time

Events must have a start date and an end date. They can contain start and end times or be all-day events.

Events usually take place on a single day, but they can span two or more days. You can also add recurring events, such as a staff meeting that occurs every Tuesday at 9:00 AM.


You can book resources for an event, such as a location or specific equipment. You can schedule an event tentatively and then have it approved and confirmed by designated users.


You can add specific details to an event, depending on the event type. Events can also contain attachments and notes.

You can assign an image to an event. The image displays in the event details and on the List of Events report in ACS Facility Scheduler and in the event details in Access ACS.

Event Registration

You can set up events so that your members and their guests can register for them. For example, if you schedule a youth trip to an amusement park, you can set it up so that your members can register and pay for the event using Access ACS.

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