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Event Registration

When you add registration to events in ACS Facility Scheduler, people can sign up to attend an event using Access ACS.

For example, the following events might allow online registration:

  • Youth retreat
  • Men of the church supper
  • Vacation Bible School

Events can also have subevents . For example, you can create a main Vacation Bible School event and each class or session during Vacation Bible School could be a subevent.

When setting up event registration, you must create at least one registration period.


Event Registration requires Access ACS.

You cannot use Event Registration if Access ACS and ACS Facility Scheduler are not linked. Event registration in ACS Facility Scheduler is fully integrated with event registration in Access ACS.

Security is controlled in Access ACS. If you don't have access to event registration in Access ACS, you will not have access to event registration in ACS Facility Scheduler .

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