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Approve Events

A status of approved means that someone with the authority has determined that the event is appropriate for the church.

ACS Facility Scheduler lets you have an event confirmation process. This process has three statuses:
  • Pending — A pending event is on the calendar, but booked resources are not reserved for it, and the event has not been approved by the designated people. By default, new events are added with a status of pending.
  • Approved — A status of approved means that someone with the authority has determined that the event is appropriate for the church.
  • Confirmed — A status of confirmed means that all booked resources for the event have been reserved.

If a user changes an event after the status changes, conflicts may require the event to go through approval and confirmation again.

Only users with the appropriate rights can approve and confirm events. If a user does not have rights to approve or confirm events, those statuses do not display in the drop-down list.

  1. On the Calendar tab, click Calendar.
  2. Select the event you want to approve.
  3. In the Actions group, click Edit Event.
  4. In the Status list, select Approved.
  5. In the Actions group, click Save and Close.