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ACS Facility Scheduler provides standard reports that you can print or export to a file.

About Reports

You can filter reports based on Dates, Calendars, Event Type, and Bookings where appropriate. A sample report and description displays to help you determine if a report meets your needs before previewing and printing it.

The data that prints is based on the permissions assigned to your user account. You can only print events and other data if it is on calendars that are accessible to you.To make things easier, if there are reports you run regularly, you can save your custom report selections.

3 x 5 Card
Prints each event (Date, Event Name, Start and End Times, Calendar, Resources, Event information based on Event Type) on an individual 3 x 5 index card.
Event Export
Creates a .CSV file of event information for all events during a specific date range. You can also create an additional extract that displays event bookings, sorted by the event name and resource.
Event Request Form
Prints a blank form based on the selected Event Type. If you select an event type, when you print the report, the event type displays in the title of the report.
Events - 2 Column Landscape
Prints a list of Event Names, the Primary Location and allows you to filter on multiple tags, based on the Start and End dates you select.
List of Events - Detail
Prints a list of Events (Event Name, Start and End Times, Calendar, Tags, Bookings, Event Description, Setup and Teardown Times, Notes, Images, Event Details) sorted by date. You can customize this report.
List of Events - Summary
Prints the Date/Time, Event Name, Primary Location for Events, Setup and Teardown Times, Notes, and Bookings on the selected Calendars by Time. This report has columns and allows you to filter by tags.
List of Events by Resource
Prints a list of Events (Event Name, Date, Setup and Teardown Times, Start and End Times) grouped by Resource Type, Resource Category, and Resource.
List of Resources
Prints a list of Resources (Resource Name, custom fields) grouped by Resource Type and Resource Category. You can filter the report to display all resources, used resources (resources that have been used at least once since they were added to ACS Facility Scheduler), or unused resources (resources that have never been used). You can also include inactive resources.
Monthly Calendar
Prints a monthly Calendar of Events (Event Name, Start Time) and page breaks at month-end.
Planning Calendar
Prints a blank calendar.
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