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Event Registration Payment Information

In ACS Facility Scheduler, you can allow payments using credit cards, electronic checks, or both.

To accept online payments, you must have a valid and current merchant account linked with Access ACS.

You can also accept offline payments for events if individuals want to pay in person or by mail. Even if you don't enable offline payments, Access ACS administrators can always override this and register people for events without paying online.

To help you track the revenue generated by events, you can designate the General Ledger fund or account code in the GL Code field. It applies to both events and sub-events; however, you cannot enter separate codes for sub-events. If you are an Access ACS user, the GL Code is also included in the Event Revenue Detail and Event Revenue Summary reports. If you use ACS Financial Suite, the GL Code is included in the Bank Deposit Report.

When you set up payment information for an event, you can choose to not allow refunds after a particular date. To do this, enter a Refund Deadline.