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Add Supplies to Events

If your event includes supplies registrants can purchase or reserve, you can add them when setting up your event.

If you're planning a youth trip and have t-shirts for sale, registrants can purchase a shirt when they sign up.

You can assign a price, assign a tax rate, collect sales tax, and set the available quantity for each supply. Subevents can have their own supplies.

  1. On the Calendar tab, click Calendar.
  2. Select the event you want to add the question to.
  3. In the Actions group, click Edit Event.
  4. In the Event Details window, click the Registration tab.
  5. In the Show group, click Supplies, then click Add Supply.
  6. In the Description field, enter the name of the item.
  7. In the Capacity field, enter the quantity of the item you have available. If you have an unlimited quantity, enter a very large number.
  8. In the Cost Per Unit field, enter the amount you will charge for each item. If the item is free, enter $0.00.
  9. In the Tax Rate field, enter the tax rate in decimal format. For example, if the tax rate is 7%, enter .07.
  10. To add a supply image to your event, click Browse. You can then upload a new supply image or select an existing one.
  11. Click Save.
  12. In the Actions group, click Save and Close.