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Set up Event Registration Periods

Registration periods are when people can register for events.

You must set up at least one registration period (you can have more than one), and registration periods can overlap. You can assign a fee or cost to each registration period.

For example, you set up two registration periods — "Early Registration" and "Late Registration."

Early Registration is available from March 15 until March 20. During Early Registration, people who register for the event pay a discounted fee of $10.00. Late Registration is available from March 21 until March 25. During Late Registration, people who register for the event pay the full fee of $20.00.

When you enter the start and end dates for a registration period, the dates default to the current date (start) and the date of the event (end). You can change the dates if necessary. If you edit a registration period, the changes only apply to future registrations. You can delete a period as long as no one has registered for the event. You cannot delete the last registration period.

Subevents can have their own registration periods.

  1. On the Calendar tab, click Calendar.
  2. Select the event you want to add the registration period to.
  3. In the Actions group, click Edit Event.
  4. In the Event Details window, click the Registration tab.
  5. In the Show group, click Periods.
  6. In the Actions group, click Add Period.
  7. Enter the Period Details. All fields are required.
  8. Click Save.
  9. In the Actions group, click Save and Close.

After you set up one event registration period, you can add additional periods, or edit, delete, or reorder them.