Scan Gifts to a Batch
Scan your contributors' manual gifts.
- You must have the Enter Gifts permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
- In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Contributions.
- In the Manual tab, click Add a Batch.
- Enter the batch Description and Gift Date.
- Optional: Select the Default Fund, and enter the Expected Amount.
- Click Save & Add Gifts.
- Click Scan Checks. You are prompted to enter your check details.
- Select the Gift Type, and select Nondeductible if it applies.
- Select the Fund.
- Optional: Enter a Memo.
- Optional: Enter the check's endorsement to print it directly from your scanner.
- Click Start Scanning.
- Click Done Scanning.
- After all of your checks scan into Realm:
Click Review to review your scans and match accounts.
Click Scan More if you need to scan additional checks.
- Complete all fields pertaining to each check. A confidence indicator displays if Realm isn't sure of the amount written on the check. If you see this, enter a new amount if you need to.
- While you review...
For each check you approve, click Save & Next. As you save, you will match accounts to the check. The next time you scan a check from a matched individual, Realm will recognize it.
If you need to scan a check again, click Re-scan.
- Click Close when you're finished with your review. All saved checks will display within the batch.Note: If a scanned check displays as Unassigned or Unknown, click
from the list, and select Edit to review it again and enter the missing information.