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Import a Batch

Import a batch from a CSV into Realm.

  • You must have the Enter Gifts permission to perform this task.See Responsibilities for more information.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Contributions.
  2. Click Import from .csv.
  3. Click Download .csv template to ensure that the format of your import is correct.
  4. Enter all fields, click Choose File, and locate the .csv file you want to import.
  5. Click Import.
  6. If you're satisfied with how the first gift will import, click Yes, Continue.

A message displays when you've successfully imported.

Batch Import Formatting

Follow these formatting rules before you import your CSV.

Giving Number
This field is optional. It adopts the term you use to define what it is (e.g. Envelope Number) when you download the spreadsheet template. If both the giving number and name are listed in the CSV, Realm imports the gift based on the giving number.
This field is required. It must include the first and last name (e.g. James Aaron) or the preferred and last name (e.g. Jim Aaron).
This field is required. You can enter a check number if applicable. Even though this column is required, you are not required to enter data within the column itself.
This field is required. It can either be the name of the fund (e.g. Youth Mission Trip) or the fund's description (e.g. Peru).
This field is required. When you enter this data, do not include the dollar sign ($). If you have a whole number amount, you can enter it without any decimals (e.g. 100 instead of 100.00). However, Realm does accept both formats.