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Safe Environment Templates

You can define Safe Environment templates that include certain background check items or legal requirements. Then, use the template in a personnel or member record to quickly insert all the necessary items.

This ensures that background checks and other requirements are set consistently based on employee role.

Add a Template for Background Checks

You can add a template with the background check items needed for a specific job or assignment. For example, a template called "Work with Children" might have the items "Federal Background" and "References".

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Safe Environment > Background Check Templates.
  2. Click Add Template, and enter a name that describes who or what the template is used for, such as "New Employee" or "Office Worker".
  3. Click the add icon green plus sign and select the background check items to include.
    Note: When you insert the template in the Safe Environment window of a record, these items display in the order you list them here.
  4. Click Save/OK.

Click Use Template in the Background Check section in the individual's Safe Environment window. You can also use templates when posting or updating background checks.

Add a Template for Other Requirements

You can add a template with the necessary legal requirements. For example, a template called "Volunteer Requirements" might have the items "Orientation Class", and "Sensitivity Training".

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Safe Environment > Other Requirements Templates.
  2. Click Add Template, and enter a name that describes who or what the template is used for, such as "Childcare Worker" or "Evangelism".
  3. Click the add icon green plus sign and select the requirement items to include.
    Note: When you insert the template in the Safe Environment window of a record, these items display in the order you list them here.
  4. Click Save/OK.

Click Use Template in the Other Requirements section in the individual's Safe Environment window. You can also use templates when posting or updating requirements.

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