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Sign Up for Background Checks through Verified First

We partner with Verified First to provide accurate results for background checks.

Note: You only need one Verified First account. Each staff member who requests or reviews background checks can use this account. You can control which staff members have access under Users & Passwords.
  1. In PDS, go to any individual's record, click Safe Environment in the navigation pane, and click Request Background Check.
  2. Read the information. To find out more, including pricing, check out our website. When you're ready, click Sign Up.
  3. If you have not already signed up for eBilling, click Sign up for eBilling. In the Client Portal, follow the instructions to enroll in automatic payments.
  4. Click Sign up for background checks. Note that you are agreeing to our Terms of use agreement.
  5. Complete and submit the online agreement for service to Verified First. Verified First will contact you to review and process the agreement.

After Verified First processes your agreement, you can order background checks in the Safe Environment window.

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