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Maintain Background Check Records

If you use the background check solution with our partner, Verified First, you can download and maintain the information for your records.

It's important to note that each month, Verified First purges any background check reports older than two years. This does not affect any information stored in PDS. However, based on the Verified First End User Agreement, you must have a reasonable procedure in place for maintaining and storing your background checks.
Note: You can view details of this in the Verified First End User Agreement, Page 1, Section 4, Item C.

To maintain your records, you can export your data from Verified First and store the PDF files in a secure location outside of PDS.

How does the purge process work?

Verified First will email you at the beginning of each month, starting two years after you first began running background checks. If you ran multiple background screenings in the same month, you'll receive one notice for that month.

Each email includes information on when your data will be purged as well as instructions on how to download your background checks.

What do I need to do?

In the email, similar to the one below, click the link to log in to your Verified First account.

Example of Verified First email with heading "Data Scheduled to be Purged on 30 Jun" and link "click here to initiate the process to download data ordered in Jun 2017 before it is delete on 30 Jun 2019", signed "Client Services Team", "ClientServices@VerifiedFirst.com", 208-623-7200

Then, export your data from Verified First. You can download PDFs and attachments for multiple reports at a time.

  • Download your background check files as PDFs.
  • Save any disclosure and authorization forms as PDFs.
  • Store your files in a secure location outside of PDS.
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