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Check Results and Add Background Check Information from Verified First

Once a background check is complete, you'll receive an email from Verified First. Then, you're ready to check the results and add the information in the grid.

  1. Locate the appropriate record.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Safe Environment.
  3. Under the Background Check grid, click Check Results.
  4. Click Yes to open the Background Check Result dialog box.
    Any results display in the list.
    • If a background check has been ordered but not approved through Verified First, it shows a status of "Pending".
    • If a background check has been approved through Verified First, it shows a status of "Complete".
  5. Select the approved background check item(s) to add to the Safe Environment grid, and click Add Approved.

The approved items display in the grid. The Note field indicates the Verified First status and file number for your reference.

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