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Add Participants to an Event or Class

After you create an event, you can add participants who plan to attend. You can add participants individually or add a group.
Note: Alternatively, you can add an event/class to a personnel's list in the Event List window.
  1. On the Personnel tab, click Events & Classes.
  2. Locate the appropriate record.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Participants.
  4. To add a single participant:
    1. Click the add icon green plus sign above the grid, and select the personnel.
    2. Enter the number of people attending the event with the participant, including the participant.
  5. To add multiple participants:
    1. Click Select a Group of Participants.
    2. Use the selection options to filter the group of participants you want to add to the event, then click Next.
      Note: For help with conditions, see the Additional Selections section in the topic, Report Selections.
    3. Review the list of participants. The Num column defaults to the number entered on the personnel's Event List window, but you can edit it, if needed.
    4. Click Finish to add the selected participants.
    5. If you already had participants in the Participants grid, you are prompted to either overwrite your current participants or add the new participants to the current grid.
  6. Select any applicable checkboxes to indicate the participant's status.
    • Reg.—This participant is registered to attend the event/class.
    • Att.—This participant has attended the event/class.
    • Pd.—This participant has paid for the event/class.
    • Exc.—This participant is excused from the event/class.
  7. At the top, click Save.

The participants display in the list. The event is automatically added to each participant's Event List as well.