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Events and Facilities Reports

In addition to reports on multiple pages, the reports below are available specifically in the Events and Facilities section of MinistryPlatform:

Assign Participant Core Tool

Review possible matches to event participant records assigned to a default contact.

Page: Event Participants

Double Booked Rooms

View a list of future events with where the same room has been booked for more than one event at the same time. You can filter by Location if the Location value (optional) is set on the Event.

Equipment Use Forecast

List equipment reservations between two dates sorted by Room then by date.

Pages: Equipment, Equipment Reservations, Equipment Types

Event Listing

This report shows events taking place between two dates in a nice printable format.

Pages: Congregations, Events, Locations

Event Setup

View a detailed list of all rooms, equipment, and services needed for an event.

Page: Events

Mission Trip Donations

View a summary of mission trip giving and print pages for each participant. Only events that are linked to Pledge Campaigns of type Mission Trip are available to this report.

Page: Events

Mission Trip Donors

Review a list of trip donors without amounts.

Page: Events

Mission Trip Summary

Review a summary of Mission Trip donations.

Page: Events

Room Availability Research

Select a building and see which rooms are available (takes the setup and clean up time of the Event into consideration). Can set parameters for a range for dates, times, or day of the week and/or specific room selections. Also, includes a grid for a quick visual aid.

Note: Approval status is taken into consideration. Only approved reservations reflect as unavailable.

Pages: Buildings, Events, Room Reservations, Rooms

Room Use Forecast

List room reservations between two dates sorted by Room then by date. The report pulls room reservations that are tied to an Event with a Program and a Room with a Building with a Location assigned to it.

Pages: Room Reservations, Rooms

Selected Call List

Print a call list of selected contact records including phones and emails.

Pages: Activity Log, All Subscriptions, Background Checks, Contact Attributes, Contact Log, Contact Relationships, Contacts, Donation Distributions, Donations, Donor Accounts, Donors, Engagements, Event Participants, Prayer & Feedback Entries, Group Participants, Household Care Log, IT Help Tickets, Maintenance Requests, Milestones Assigned, Ministry Updates, Participants, Payments, Pledges, Purchase Requests, Responses, Suggestions, Time Off, User Tasks, Users

Selected Check-In Listing

View and manage the participants checked into your event by group.

Page: Events

Selected Directory

Basic directory layout for contacts that are selected.

Pages: Activity Log, All Subscriptions, Background Checks, Contact Attributes, Contact Log, Contact Relationships, Contacts, Donation Distributions, Donations, Donor Accounts, Donors, Engagements, Event Participants, Prayer & Feedback Entries, Group Participants, Household Care Log, IT Help Tickets, Maintenance Requests, Milestones Assigned, Ministry Updates, Participants, Payments, Pledges, Purchase Requests, Responses, Suggestions, Time Off, User Tasks, Users

Selected Event Campaign Donations

Review the attendance history of each participant in the selected group.

Page: Events

Selected Event Donations

Select an event then run this report to view donations that were applied to this event. This happens when an XML Import tool operator assigns this event as the "project" or "target event" of a donation distribution.

Page: Events

Selected Event Group Attendance

Review the attendance and headcount metrics for selected events by group.

Page: Events

Selected Event Metrics

This report summarizes attendance, metrics, and milestones related to this event.

Page: Events

Selected Event Participants List

This report generates a printable list of event participants for the selected events.

Page: Events

Selected Event Registrations

Select some events on the events page and return a list of registrants including information about their online registration.

Page: Events

Selected Event Setup Form

View the event details along with rooms, service, and other items. Approval status will be listed.

Pages: Service Reservations, Equipment Reservations, Events, Room Reservations

Selected Event Summary

Select one or more events to return a summary of event participants.

Page: Events

Selected Form Responses

View form response details for the Event, Group, or Participants selected. If starting from a selection of Participants, the report returns results for all Form Responses from the selected Participants for the selected Forms (set in report parameters). You can choose which Form Fields to include. Also, the "Export by Group" link at the bottom gives an option to have each group on a separate page (for classrooms).

Pages: Events, Event Participants, Groups, Group Participants, Responses, and Opportunities

Selected Labels: 1 Per Family

This report for selected records returns one label per family regardless of how many family members you selected. Avery 5160.

Pages: Activity Log, All Subscriptions, Background Checks, Contact Attributes, Contact Log, Contact Relationships, Contacts, Donation Distributions, Donations, Donor Accounts, Donors, Engagements, Event Participants, Prayer & Feedback Entries, Group Participants, Household Care Log, IT Help Tickets, Maintenance Requests, Milestones Assigned, Ministry Updates, Participants, Payments, Pledges, Purchase Requests, Responses, Suggestions, Time Off, User Tasks, Users

Selected Photo Report

This report returns basic information ready to print for selected contact records.

Pages: Activity Log, All Subscriptions, Background Checks, Contact Attributes, Contact Log, Contact Relationships, Contacts, Donation Distributions, Donations, Donor Accounts, Donors, Engagements, Event Participants, Prayer & Feedback Entries, Group Participants, Household Care Log, IT Help Tickets, Maintenance Requests, Milestones Assigned, Ministry Updates, Participants, Payments, Pledges, Purchase Requests, Responses, Suggestions, Time Off, User Tasks, Users

Servicing Analysis

A visual summary of instances where services have been requested for events during a period of time.

Page: Service Requests

Servicing Forecast

List upcoming events requiring a specific type of service. Filter by service type and/or congregation.

Page: Service Requests

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