Contact Reports
In addition to reports on multiple pages, the reports below are available specifically in the Contacts page of MinistryPlatform.
Birthday List
This report shows the individuals who have a birthday for a given date range with pictures.
Find Contacts By Attributes
Find contacts with one or more required contact attributes. It can display optional attributes, and you can create a selection to communicate with those contacts matching their required attributes.
People Totals
Look at a summary of contacts excluding companies. Totals are grouped by contact status, congregation, participant type, and household position.
Selected Contact Badge
Select records and print ID Cards with pictures, a ministry logo, and a role.
Selected Background Checks*
Review the background check history for the selected records.
Selected Call List Enhanced*
This report provides basic demographics and contact information for selected records.
Selected Call Life: Heads*
Print a call list of selected contact records including the phones and emails of their heads of house.
Selected Contact Attendance*
Review the attendance history for the selected records.
Selected Contact Attributes*
Review the attributes assigned to contacts that are part of your selection.
Selected Contact Dashboard*
Review a dashboard for any one or more of the selected contacts. This report is available on the Contacts page and other pages where a contact's name is listed.
Selected Contact Demographics*
Selected Contact Facts*
Learn about a contact by running this report after selected records on the page from which you launched the report.
Selected Contact Group Involvement*
Learn about how the contacts related to the selected records on this page are involved in ministry through roles on groups and teams.
Selected Contact Journeys*
Review the journeys and milestones for the selected records.
Selected Contact Pledges*
Review the pledges associated with to any selection of contacts and their families.
Selected Directory - 3 Column*
Produce a directory for the selected contacts including some or all of their family members.
Selected Directory - Household*
Produce a directory for the selected contacts including some or all of their family members.
Selected Family Listing*
Basic information about the selected contact and their family members.
Selected History Since Milestone*
Pick an anchor milestone then see how long after that milestone the family made its first donation, the person accomplished one or more milestones, or the person joined one or more groups of a specific type.
Selected Household Donations*
This report summarizes giving by the household of the selected contact records.
Selected Household Facts*
Learn about a household.
Selected Mail Merge*
This report returns one row with mail merge data for each selected contact.
Selected Mail Merge: 1 Per Family*
This report returns one row per household with mail merge data for each selected contact. If two contacts from one household are selected, only one row is returned. Avery 5160.
Selected Mail Merge: Family Detail*
Export one row per household with detailed information about each contact in the households of your selected records.
Selected Nametags: Avery 5395*
Create Nametags, Avery #5395 2x4, quickly from any selection of people on any one of over 20 pages. This report is on Contacts and other pages where a Contact's name is listed.