Ministry Group & Congregation Reports
In addition to reports on multiple pages, the reports below are available specifically in the Ministry section of MinistryPlatform:
3D Ministry Grid
Name | Datatype | Required | Default Value |
Participation As Of | DateTime | Yes | Today |
Congregation | String | No |
Pages: Congregations, Ministries
3D Ministry Grid-Selected
Name | Datatype | Required | Default Value |
Participation As Of | DateTime | Yes | Today |
Congregation | String | No |
Page: Ministries
Care Log Summary
Name | Datatype | Required | Default Value |
Period 1 Start | DateTime | True | DateAdd(,-180,Today()) |
Period 1 End | DateTime | True | DateAdd(,-90,Today()) |
Period 2 Start | DateTime | True | DateAdd(,-90,Today()) |
Period 2 End | DateTime | True | Today() |
Congregation | Integer | True | |
Care Outcome | Integer | True | |
Optional Report Title | String | True |
Pages: Care Types, Congregations, Household Care Log, Households
Congregation Summary
A summary of the number of households, groups, and programs by Congregation.
Page: Congregations
Donations By Congregation
This report provides an analysis of giving by Congregation for a range of dates grouped by date, week, month, or year.
Pages: Congregations, Donations, Programs
Feedback Summary By Program
Name | Datatype | Required | Default Value |
Submitted Since | DateTime | True | DateAdd(, -365, Today()) |
Submitted Through | DateTime | False | Today() |
Pages: Feedback Entries, Programs
Group Involvement Summary
This report shows the number of participants, servants, and leaders in a specific group type.
Page: Groups
Group Participant Changes By Month
Pull the net number of people added and removed from groups by month.
Page: Groups
Group Recommendations
Name | Datatype | Required | Default Value |
Shared Attributes | Integer | Yes | 1 |
Group Type | Integer | Yes |
Page: Contacts
Group Seasonal Dashboard
A visual representation of group participation between two dates.
Pages: Group Types, Groups
Group Seasonal Summary
Facts about groups and group participation between two dates.
Pages: Group Types, Groups
Group Snapshot Dashboard
A visual representation of group participation as of a specific date.
Pages: Group Types, Groups
Group Snapshot Summary
Facts about groups and group participation as of a specific date.
Pages: Group Types, Groups
Group/Team Export
Use this report to export groups and teams of a specific type. Include contact information as well as attributes that describe the group.
Page: Groups
Journey Participants
View the people on each Journey. Find those needing a specific milestone. Create a selection if needed.
Pages: Journeys, Milestones, Milestones Assigned
Milestone Summary
This report summarizes milestone records.
Pages: Congregations, Journeys, Milestones, Milestones Assigned, Programs
Milestone Summary By Ministry
This report summarizes milestone records.
Pages: Congregations, Milestones, Milestones Assigned, Ministries
Milestones By Week
View a summary of milestones assigned by week over time.
Pages: Journeys, Milestones, Milestones Assigned
Ministry Metrics
Learn key facts about your ministry during a specific time period with this report.
Page: Ministries
New Group Participants
Use this report to determine how many people have been added to groups of a specific type between two dates. The report will breaks down results by group role and highlights the number people who had never previously performed that role.
Pages: Group Participants, Groups
Opportunities Selected
This report lists the opportunities selected.
Page: Opportunities
Opportunity Summary
This report summarizes the number of opportunities by Congregation and Ministry Area.
Pages: Congregations, Ministries, Opportunities, Responses
Response Closure By Month
Review the rate of closure for responses to opportunities by month.
Page: Opportunities
Selected Donor Alerts
Select a congregation then run this report to return a list of active households in that congregation with donation information for a specific time period.
Page: Congregations
Selected Group Attendance
Learn the number of group participants that attended events for a specific program. Filter by event type and congregation.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Attendance By Individual
Review the attendance for individuals in the selected groups.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Attendee Search
Find Group participants or their parents based on having attended a number of times in a specific time period. Use filters like Attended Min and Attended Max, Program, Congregation, Group Type, Group Role, and Enrolled Date. This report can save a selection back to the database.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Birthday List
Select your group and find out who is having a birthday in a specific month.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Call List
This report shows a list of group members with phones and emails. This report limits output based on the current selection.
Page: Groups
- By default, Contacts with Email Unlisted set in their record do not have an email listed.
- By default, Contacts with Mobile Phone Unlisted set in their record do not have a phone listed.
- Set the Honor Unlisted Preferences parameter to No to display unlisted Emails and Phones.
Create Participants Page Selection:
Click the Create Participants Page Selection link on the report to create a selection of these contacts on the Participants page.
Selected Group Directory
A basic directory for the selected group.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Directory - Household
Produce a directory for the selected groups listing current group participants, including some or all of their family members.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Directory - Photos
Produce a directory for the selected groups listing current group participants, including their contact record photo if they have one.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Family Listing
Print your group participants' contact information and family members.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Involvement
This report generates a summary of participation in the selected groups.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Last Attended
Print a group roster with a date each person last attended a specific program with this report.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Nametags: Avery 5963
Print name tags, ten per page, using the Avery 5963 labels template.
Pages: Groups, Group Participants
Selected Group Nametags: Avery 5395
Create Nametags, Avery #5395 2x4, quickly for Group Participants from any selection of Groups.
Pages: Groups
Selected Group Parent Email List
Export one row per parent (head of house) for the members of selected groups.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Participation Percentages
This report lists selected groups and compares the numbers of participants in those group between two time periods.
Pages: Groups
Selected Group Participation Summary
See how many people participated in selected groups between a specific time period.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Roll Scan Roster
This report produces a roster with a 3 of 9 barcode for the selected groups. It is similar to the report titled Selected Program Groups Roll Scan Roster.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Roster
Get a roster of participants for the selected groups.
Page: Groups
Selected Group Roster: Parent Info
Print a roster for each group with the parent's contact information for the group members parents (heads of house).
Page: Groups
Selected Group Weekly Attendance by Group
A simple attendance report summarized by Group for the weeks entered.
Pages: Groups
Selected Group: Avery 5160
Print mailing labels or name tags using the Avery 5160 labels template. You can also add one field from Custom Forms on name tags.
Pages: Groups, Group Participants
Selected Milestone Summary
This report summarizes milestones assigned to participants for the selected milestones.
Page: Milestones
Selected Program Donations
Get a list of donations to the selected programs between two dates.
Page: Programs
Selected Program Donations Enhanced
List donations by program between two dates.
Page: Programs
Selected Program Donors
Get a list of donors to the selected programs between two dates.
Page: Programs
Selected Program Group Rosters
Run rosters for the Program Groups you've selected.
Page: Program Groups
Selected Program Groups Multi-week Roster
Print a roster with columns for up to five weeks.
Page: Program Groups
Selected Program Groups Roll Scan Roster
Print group rosters with barcodes to expedite attendance with the Roll Scan tool on the Event record.
Page: Program Groups
Selected Program Participants List
This report returns the a specific program's participants.
Page: Programs
Selected Program Roster
Use this report to print a roster of all group members actively participating in the selected programs. You can omit some program groups in the Program Group record.
Page: Programs
Selected Programs Household Giving
This report returns how households give to specific programs.
Page: Programs