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Ministry Group & Congregation Reports

In addition to reports on multiple pages, the reports below are available specifically in the Ministry section of MinistryPlatform:

3D Ministry Grid

This report summarizes ministry involvement by the type or roles participants engaged and their status regarding that role (past, current, future). It has the following parameters:
NameDatatypeRequiredDefault Value
Participation As OfDateTimeYesToday

Pages: Congregations, Ministries

3D Ministry Grid-Selected

After selecting one or more ministries, this report summarizes ministry involvement by the type or roles participants engage in and their status regarding that role (past, current, future). This report limits output based on the current selection. It has the following parameters:
NameDatatypeRequiredDefault Value
Participation As OfDateTimeYesToday

Page: Ministries

Care Log Summary

See how much care your organization provided to households. Compare two periods. Filter by congregation or care outcome. It has the following parameters:
NameDatatypeRequiredDefault Value
Period 1 StartDateTimeTrueDateAdd(DateInterval.day,-180,Today())
Period 1 EndDateTimeTrueDateAdd(DateInterval.day,-90,Today())
Period 2 StartDateTimeTrue DateAdd(DateInterval.day,-90,Today())
Period 2 EndDateTimeTrueToday()
Care OutcomeIntegerTrue
Optional Report TitleStringTrue

Pages: Care Types, Congregations, Household Care Log, Households

Congregation Summary

A summary of the number of households, groups, and programs by Congregation.

Page: Congregations

Donations By Congregation

This report provides an analysis of giving by Congregation for a range of dates grouped by date, week, month, or year.

Pages: Congregations, Donations, Programs

Feedback Summary By Program

This report summarizes feedback items by the program. It has the following parameters:
NameDatatypeRequiredDefault Value
Submitted SinceDateTimeTrueDateAdd(DateInterval.day, -365, Today())
Submitted ThroughDateTimeFalseToday()

Pages: Feedback Entries, Programs

Group Involvement Summary

This report shows the number of participants, servants, and leaders in a specific group type.

Page: Groups

Group Participant Changes By Month

Pull the net number of people added and removed from groups by month.

Page: Groups

Group Recommendations

Select a contact and receive group recommendations! Recommendations are based on Attributes that the Contact and the Group share. The Shared Attributes value in the report parameters is the number of Attributes you want the report to find between the Contact and the Group. The default is one (1), so it returns any Groups that match the Contact for one or more Attributes. The higher the number, the fewer matches return. This report limits output based on the current selection. It has the following parameters:
NameDatatypeRequiredDefault Value
Shared AttributesIntegerYes1
Group TypeIntegerYes

Page: Contacts

Group Seasonal Dashboard

A visual representation of group participation between two dates.

Pages: Group Types, Groups

Group Seasonal Summary

Facts about groups and group participation between two dates.

Pages: Group Types, Groups

Group Snapshot Dashboard

A visual representation of group participation as of a specific date.

Pages: Group Types, Groups

Group Snapshot Summary

Facts about groups and group participation as of a specific date.

Pages: Group Types, Groups

Group/Team Export

Use this report to export groups and teams of a specific type. Include contact information as well as attributes that describe the group.

Page: Groups

Journey Participants

View the people on each Journey. Find those needing a specific milestone. Create a selection if needed.

Pages: Journeys, Milestones, Milestones Assigned

Milestone Summary

This report summarizes milestone records.

Pages: Congregations, Journeys, Milestones, Milestones Assigned, Programs

Milestone Summary By Ministry

This report summarizes milestone records.

Pages: Congregations, Milestones, Milestones Assigned, Ministries

Milestones By Week

View a summary of milestones assigned by week over time.

Pages: Journeys, Milestones, Milestones Assigned

Ministry Metrics

Learn key facts about your ministry during a specific time period with this report.

Page: Ministries

New Group Participants

Use this report to determine how many people have been added to groups of a specific type between two dates. The report will breaks down results by group role and highlights the number people who had never previously performed that role.

Pages: Group Participants, Groups

Opportunities Selected

This report lists the opportunities selected.

Page: Opportunities

Opportunity Summary

This report summarizes the number of opportunities by Congregation and Ministry Area.

Pages: Congregations, Ministries, Opportunities, Responses

Response Closure By Month

Review the rate of closure for responses to opportunities by month.

Page: Opportunities

Selected Donor Alerts

Select a congregation then run this report to return a list of active households in that congregation with donation information for a specific time period.

Page: Congregations

Selected Group Attendance

Learn the number of group participants that attended events for a specific program. Filter by event type and congregation.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Attendance By Individual

Review the attendance for individuals in the selected groups.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Attendee Search

Find Group participants or their parents based on having attended a number of times in a specific time period. Use filters like Attended Min and Attended Max, Program, Congregation, Group Type, Group Role, and Enrolled Date. This report can save a selection back to the database.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Birthday List

Select your group and find out who is having a birthday in a specific month.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Call List

This report shows a list of group members with phones and emails. This report limits output based on the current selection.

Page: Groups

Unlisted Emails and Mobile Phones:
  • By default, Contacts with Email Unlisted set in their record do not have an email listed.
  • By default, Contacts with Mobile Phone Unlisted set in their record do not have a phone listed.
  • Set the Honor Unlisted Preferences parameter to No to display unlisted Emails and Phones.

Create Participants Page Selection:

Click the Create Participants Page Selection link on the report to create a selection of these contacts on the Participants page.

Selected Group Directory

A basic directory for the selected group.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Directory - Household

Produce a directory for the selected groups listing current group participants, including some or all of their family members.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Directory - Photos

Produce a directory for the selected groups listing current group participants, including their contact record photo if they have one.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Family Listing

Print your group participants' contact information and family members.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Involvement

This report generates a summary of participation in the selected groups.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Last Attended

Print a group roster with a date each person last attended a specific program with this report.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Nametags: Avery 5963

Print name tags, ten per page, using the Avery 5963 labels template.

Pages: Groups, Group Participants

Selected Group Nametags: Avery 5395

Create Nametags, Avery #5395 2x4, quickly for Group Participants from any selection of Groups.

Pages: Groups

Selected Group Parent Email List

Export one row per parent (head of house) for the members of selected groups.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Participation Percentages

This report lists selected groups and compares the numbers of participants in those group between two time periods.

Pages: Groups

Selected Group Participation Summary

See how many people participated in selected groups between a specific time period.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Roll Scan Roster

This report produces a roster with a 3 of 9 barcode for the selected groups. It is similar to the report titled Selected Program Groups Roll Scan Roster.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Roster

Get a roster of participants for the selected groups.

Page: Groups

Selected Group Roster: Parent Info

Print a roster for each group with the parent's contact information for the group members parents (heads of house).

Page: Groups

Selected Group Weekly Attendance by Group

A simple attendance report summarized by Group for the weeks entered.

Pages: Groups

Selected Group: Avery 5160

Print mailing labels or name tags using the Avery 5160 labels template. You can also add one field from Custom Forms on name tags.

Pages: Groups, Group Participants

Selected Milestone Summary

This report summarizes milestones assigned to participants for the selected milestones.

Page: Milestones

Selected Program Donations

Get a list of donations to the selected programs between two dates.

Page: Programs

Selected Program Donations Enhanced

List donations by program between two dates.

Page: Programs

Selected Program Donors

Get a list of donors to the selected programs between two dates.

Page: Programs

Selected Program Group Rosters

Run rosters for the Program Groups you've selected.

Page: Program Groups

Selected Program Groups Multi-week Roster

Print a roster with columns for up to five weeks.

Page: Program Groups

Selected Program Groups Roll Scan Roster

Print group rosters with barcodes to expedite attendance with the Roll Scan tool on the Event record.

Page: Program Groups

Selected Program Participants List

This report returns the a specific program's participants.

Page: Programs

Selected Program Roster

Use this report to print a roster of all group members actively participating in the selected programs. You can omit some program groups in the Program Group record.

Page: Programs

Selected Programs Household Giving

This report returns how households give to specific programs.

Page: Programs

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