Compare and Combine Security Roles Report
Compare the rights and restrictions of two (or more) security roles and, if necessary, combine two security roles.
This report is available from the Security Roles Page. You must select at least two Security Roles to run this report.
Inside the Report
- Role to Combine: Select the role that will combine into the other security role from a drop-down list of the selected security roles. Required.
- Role To Keep: Select the role that will be kept from the drop-down list of the selected security roles. Required.
- Table Name: If a table name is listed, you can combine the roles, but not the rights for the identified table. Optional.
- Combine Roles: An actionable link that combines the selected roles.
- Basics: This identifies the number of people with each selected security role, as well as email and text quotas for each role.
- Compare Rights & Restrictions: This identifies the level of rights for each selected security role.
Security Roles
Compare and Combine Security Roles
Select two (or more) security roles, then use this report to compare and possibly combine them.
Compare and Combine Security Roles
Compare the rights and restrictions of two or more security roles and combine these roles.
- In the Advanced Menu, go to .
- Select two or more security roles from the list.
- From the Reports menu, select Compare and Combine Security Roles.
- Choose which role to keep and which role to combine to select parameters. Optionally, identify which roles not to combine in a table.
- Click View Report.
- Compare security roles.
- Optional: Save the report to PDF, if needed.
- Click Combine Roles.
All individuals with either of the selected roles now have all rights and restrictions of both roles.