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Care Case Notification

  • Frequency: Daily, if there are Care Cases to include in the content (see below) and there are Users with Care Case Security Roles.
  • Recipients: Contacts of users with Care Life Case Administrator or Care Life Case Manager security roles.
  • From/Reply To: Based on From and Reply To values set in the Message Template. If the template is blank, it comes from Support.
  • Contents:
    • New (created)
    • Updated (Description field only)
    • Closed (End Dated)
    • Care Cases that occurred in the last 24 hours.
    • Any Hospital Care Case Type that is currently open or was created, had the description updated, or was end-dated in the last 24 hours.
  • How to Stop: Set the SERVICES, CareCaseNotificationTemplateID configuration setting to 0 (zero) to turn off Care Case Notifications.
  • Method for Sending: Platform.
  • Logging in Messages: None.
  • Configuration Settings: The SERVICES, CareCaseNotificationTemplateID configuration setting specifies which template to use for notifications.
  • Merge Fields Supported:
    • Subject: [Current_Date].
    • Body: [New_List], [Updated_List], [Closed_List], [Hospital_List].
  • Initial Configuration: None.
  • Optional Configuration: Modify the message as needed.