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Background Check Notifications

There are two Background Check Notifications which work independently of each other. You may use both, one, or none as they are configured separately.

Background Check Status/Summary

Important: Edit Configuration Settings carefully. There are four settings for two separate Notifications with similar names.

This Notification informs individuals who created a Background Check of the status of all their Background Checks in one email message.

  • Frequency: Weekly.
  • Recipients: Individuals who created a Background Check (as long as they still have at least one Platform Security Role).
  • From/Reply To: Your DBMail account email.
  • Contents: The status of all Background Checks the individual submitted divided into four categories: Returned Past 7 Days Review Required, Cleared past 7 days, Not Yet Submitted, and Pending.
  • How to Stop: Set the SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNotificationTemplateID configuration setting to 0 (zero) to turn off notifications.
  • Method for Sending: DBMail.
  • Logging in Messages: Weekly. MinistryPlatform copies the template message and logs recipients.
  • Configuration Settings:
    • SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNotificationTemplateID specifies which Message template to use for notifications.
    • SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNotificationWeekdayNumber specifies which day of the week to send the notification. 0 = everyday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday, 8 (or higher) = Never (turns notification off).
  • Merge Fields Supported:
    • Subject: [Nickname].
    • Body: [Nickname], [Church_Name], [Returned_Not_Clear], [Returned_Clear], [Not_Yet_Submitted], [Pending].
  • Initial Configuration: Installed turned on using default Message template and sending Wednesdays.
  • Optional Configuration: Modify the message for your Church. There is a template Message called "Background Check Updates" for you to modify and use.
Note: Emails are sent from the address mpsupport@acst.com if the From or Reply email in the message template is missing.

Background Check Needed

This Notification email lists the Group Participants that are in a Group with a Group Role that requires a Background Check but the Background Check is expired or doesn't exist.

  • Frequency: Weekly on Wednesdays.
  • Recipients: Primary Contact of the Ministry responsible for the Group/Team if they have a valid email address and at least one Security Role.
  • From/Reply To: Platform Message Template.
  • Contents: A list of people serving who need a Background Check.
  • How to Stop: Set the SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNeededNotificationTemplateID configuration setting to 0 (zero) to turn off notifications.
  • Method for Sending: Platform.
  • Logging in Messages: Weekly. MinistryPlatform copies the template message and logs Recipients.
  • Configuration Settings:
    • SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNeededNotificationTemplateID specifies which Message template to use for notifications.
    • SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNeededNotificationWeekdayNumber specifies which day of the week the notification will be sent. 0 = everyday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday, 8 (or higher) = Never (turns notification off).

Supported Merge Fields

  • Subject: [Nickname].
  • Body:
    • [Nickname].
    • [No Background Check]: There is no Background Check on file.
    • [Expired_List]: Those serving with expired Background Checks.
    • [Church_Name]: The name of the church for this list.
    • [Ministry_Name]: The Ministry of the Group of which the member is a Group Participant.
    • [Volunteer_List]: The first 25 adult team members for each status - Not Clear, Not on File, Incomplete, or Expired. This includes the Ministry and the Background Check Type.
    • [Ministry_Summary]: The total number of adult team members with a Background Check.

Initial Configuration

Installed and turned on using default Message template. Sends on Wednesdays.

Optional Configuration

Modify the message for your Church. There is a template Message called "Background Check Needed" for you to modify and use.

Remember: To ensure this Notification sends properly, ensure that you appropriately categorize your Group Roles with Background Check Required set to Yes or No.