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Send Push Notifications

Use the Send Push Notifications tool to notify all or some of your app users.

The Send Push Notification tool showing options to send to selected users or all users with a title and message

For more tailored communication, you can target a selection of users. Or, you can send a global notification to all users who have the app installed on their device, regardless of whether they're logged in. This means your guest users are also notified, so use this option wisely!

  1. Go to Administration > Users.
  2. If you want to send to only certain users, make a selection.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Send Push Notifications.
    Note: If you don't see this option in the list, you'll need to add the tool to the Tools Permitted tab for the appropriate security role.
  4. Enter a title for the notification and your message.
  5. If you want to send to all app users (or you made a selection but changed your mind), select the option to send your message as a global notification.
  6. Click Send Push Notification.
  7. If you're sending to ALL users, confirm that you're ready to send the notification.

Remember, app users must allow push notifications on their mobile device. Otherwise, neither a selection or global push will be delivered to their device.

After sending, you can find Push Notification records under PocketPlatform Lookups > Push Notifications as long as you have access to that page.

Send Push Notifications to an Audience

You may want to limit a push notification to a certain Audience set up in the Platform.
Note: Push notification only send to the Contacts in your Audience with a User record.
  1. Go to Audiences > Audiences, and open the Audience you want to communicate with.
  2. Click the Members tab, and select the individuals from the Audience to send a push notification to.
  3. Click the Transfer Selection icon circle with two arrows pointing in opposite directions and transfer your selection to the Users (User Account) page.
    The Contacts with an existing User record display in the list.
  4. Review the selection of Users to send a push notification to.
  5. From the Tools menu, select Send Push Notifications.
    Note: If you don't see this option in the list, you'll need to add the tool to the Tools Permitted tab for the appropriate security role.
  6. Send your push notification as usual.