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App Notifications

To receive your push notifications, individuals need to allow them. You can't do this for them, but some gentle encouragement and pointers can help guide the way.

Note: In addition to enabling notifications in the app's settings, congregants might have to allow them on their device.

Enable App Notifications On iOS Devices

  1. On the device, open Settings.
  2. Select App.
  3. Select Notifications.
  4. Confirm Allow Notifications is on or toggle All Notifications on.
Note: Users still not getting their notifications? After confirming their app and phone settings are correct, have them:
  1. Log out of the app.
  2. Close the app.
  3. Reopen the app.
  4. Log back in.

Enable App Notifications On Android Devices

  1. On the device, open Settings.
  2. Select Apps & Notifications.
  3. Select App info.
  4. Select your App from the list.
  5. Select Notifications.
  6. Confirm Allow Notification is on or toggle Show Notifications on.
Note: Still not getting notifications? After confirming their app and phone settings are correct, have them:
  1. Log out og the app.
  2. Close the app.
  3. Reopen the app.
  4. Log back in.