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Record Actions

Once you open a record, you can take certain actions based on your security roles.

Top bar of an open record showing options for Edit Record and Insights, as well as the Actions menu with options for Message, Copy, Delete, Secure, Attach File(s), and Notification

Edit Record
You can modify the information on this record. See Editing Records to learn more.
Show or hide the data visualizations for this record. See Record Insights to learn more.
The Actions menu provides various ways to interact with this record. The options you see in the list depend on your Security Roles and whether they're relevant to the current record.
  • Message: Opens the New Message Tool so you can send a message to the people related to this record. For example, on Contacts, you can send a message to that Contact. On Groups, you can send a message to all Group Participants.
  • Copy: Duplicate this record to simplify data entry for similar records. Or, set up a recurring series. This action is not available on the Contact, Participant, or Donor pages; instead, use the Add/Edit Family Tool to create these records.
  • Delete: Remove this record from your data. The Delete action is also available on the page's data grids and record sub-pages.
    Warning: Delete with care! This is a powerful tool and you should use it with extreme caution. Any data you delete from MinistryPlatform is complete gone. To recover delete data requires Professional Services and incurs a cost. As such, you should limit this feature to Users trained to use it wisely and correctly.
  • Secure: Restrict access to this record. Check out Record Restrictions to learn more.
  • Attach File(s): Attach files to this record. MinistryPlatform allows files up to 20MB in size and accepts most standard file formats, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GID, GIF, PDF, TXT, and CSV. Expand the Files section of the record to see all attached files.
    Note: The first image you attach to a Contact record is used on their contact card and in other locations throughout the Platform. To change the default image, select the star icon on the attachment you want to feature.
  • Notification: Create an Item Notification (scheduled email) associated with this record. You can receive an email on a schedule or whenever a change is made to the record.
Displays the Tools available for this record. When you open certain Tools, the open record's information automatically completes for you.
Displays the Reports available for this record. When you open certain Reports, information about the open record automatically displays.